Special Message to the Divine Feminines who are finding it difficult to believe in their Divine/Fated Partner
You and your partner share one energy. Hence, by not having faith or believing in them – this energy will be mirrored over to your partner and they will hesitate to make the necessary steps forward. I am seeing here that the DF has to pay attention and to heal the DM energy within her own self. What about action is she fearing? Why does she fear action? Spirit is reminding here that every individual is composed of both DM and DF energies. Hence, when she works on her own DM energy – the logical and intellectual side of her, she will help her Masculine heal as well. Spirit is saying that she must stop clinging to the limiting beliefs and to everything which wants to die because this is only stopping the treasure which wants to come in. New abundant energy is waiting but she has to work a little more on unblocking herself and the path. She has to bring back the balance within her own self: her own DF and DM energies.
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Deck: Wisdom of the Oracle
Phoenix Healing by myself available as a PDF as well as a hardcopy deck.
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